Which are the best camera lenses?

Which are the best camera lenses?

Which are the best camera lenses?

Choosing the best camera lenses is also as with the camera so much up to what your needs are. The range of lenses is huge. The only thing which is certain is when you have the camera you need to look for lenses with your cameras mount. That way you can eliminate quite many lenses. Below I have categorized the lenses into different focal ranges. This way of classifying the lenses is most useful.

Best camera lenses - Zooms
Super wide zoom – in small rooms, scenic vistas

Typically the zoom range is 10-20 mm. This is also a useful lens if you shoot a lot of photos inside small rooms. If the room is small this lens still allows you to cover the whole table if your family or friends are having dinner. The super wide-angle makes sure everyone fits into the picture. Due to the super wide-angle such a lens is also perfect for landscapes shooting nice vistas. I have used my Sigma 10-20 mm a lot and it is a great lens when walking the streets of any city or historical place.

Short zoom with wide maximum aperture – low light conditions

Typically the zoom range is 17-50 mm and the maximum aperture is f2.8 the whole zoom range. If you shoot a lot of pictures indoor and want to avoid the use of flash such a lens is a good option. It is a great lens for shooting in museums art galleries where the use of flash normally is not allowed.

Medium zooms – all-round lens for traveling, at affordable price

Typically the zoom range is 70-300 mm. These lenses also cover a useful range but you will, of course, lose the wide-angle possibilities. On the positive side is these lenses are compact, light and have a favorable price. This zoom range is among the most popular lenses on the market. Due to the popularity, all manufacturers have different options in many price ranges to choose from. Unless your camera has image stabilization built inn you should aim of getting this less with imaging stabilization. In addition, many of best camera lenses in this group have macro capabilities allowing you to shoot close up photos.

Super zooms covering a wide range - all-round lens covering most situations

Typically the zoom range is 18-200 mm. Such a lens might be an option instead of the shorter zoom lens (typical 18-70 mm) that follows with many DSLR camera kits. With such a lens you can cover more or less every situation. Such a lens will be a perfect all-round less for traveling and trekking. As there is less need for changing lenses with this lens, it is also a good option if you are concerned about sensor dust. With this type of lens, you can not expect the best when it comes to sharpness. Further such a lens will not be too good in low light conditions as the lens will have a smaller maximum aperture.

Super telephoto zoom – sports and wildlife photography

Typically the zoom range is 100-400mm. This is the perfect range for bird photography as well as sports photography. The size of these lenses is quite big, so a tripod is most likely needed. If your camera has built-in image stabilization or the lens it elf has image stabilization you might even handheld if the light condition is not too bad and you don’t need to shoot at very short shutter speeds.

Best camera lenses – fixed focal length
Small to medium telephoto with macro – portrait and macro photography

Typically these lenses have a single focal length differing from approximately 90mm up to 150mm. These lenses are very good when shooting close-ups or macro. The best camera lenses in this group let you get all the way down to a 1:1 image size on the sensor. As some of these lenses are “fast” with a maximum aperture of f/2.8 they have proven to be very good for portrait photography. The wide maximum aperture also makes these lenses perfect if you want to control the depth of field. This is very useful when shooting portrait and you want the background to be out of focus.

Super telephoto – sports and action photography

Typically these lenses have a fixed focal length of 400mm or more. They are heavy monsters and it is difficult to use handheld. A monopod is suitable to use. These lenses are expensive and mostly a tool for professional sports journalists.

The above range of lenses is just a small selection of the best camera lenses available on the market. As time goes by and you get more experienced, you will most likely find yourself owing more than one or two lenses. I started with the kit zoom and kept it for quite a long time. The more I learned the more I needed other lenses. It is like the number of lenses you need (or rather won't), is growing with your experiences and directions your photography takes.
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Hi there, I’m Prem Amrit ! I’m an entrepreneur and digital marketing consultant from Patna, India. I founded my own digital agency, where I help SMBs leverage social media, SEO, and content marketing to grow their traffic and generate qualified leads for their business. I started Papixelhub in 2019 as a side project to document all the strategies, tools, and tactics that I was using to grow my small agency. The goal was simple: to arm other solopreneurs with all the right information they needed to launch a successful business.


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